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Private Equity Buyouts

We bring private equity into the 21st Century and accessible for those that where excluded in the past

We’re making it our mission to revolutionise private equity for the 21st Century, making it accessible for everyone who has been previously excluded. 

We’re eager to pass on the legacy of acquired assets to a whole new generation of professionals. 

“I’d like to think that it’s my children, Rosie and George. Time will tell.”

Steve Coogan – Founder

Thanks Steven for the excellent support and for being proactive through the process - has been a pleasure

Rajesh Narayan

We are currently acquiring businesses from owners seeking retirement, focusing on companies with an EBITDA between £1 million and £10 million

Building Relationships

Acquiring Businesses

Long Term Holds (LTH)

Our Business Buyouts UK Criteria

Generally, our Private Equity buyouts meet the following criteria: 

  • A revenue between £5M and £50M.
  • An EBITDA between £1M and £10M.
  • An operational history of over c15 years.
  • At least 20 staff members. 
  • Positive cash flow and operating margins.
  • A strong and defensible niche market position. 
  • A high rate of customer retention.
  • Low staff turnover and a positive workforce attitude.
  • Sector-agnostic with a focus on technology, luxury, and scholarly publishing.
  • A UK-based HQ.

As we’re sector agnostic, we’re willing to consider businesses within any niche or industry. We may have a different approach for SAAS deals, so it’s always worth discussing your situation with us.

Why folks sell to us

Business owners choose to exit to us when they lack a succession plan, trusting that their life’s work will be in the safe hands of someone who shares their long-term vision.


Our Sole Mission

We’re committed to our sole mission, which is creating a portfolio of successful businesses for the next generation. 

Capital Cycle

When we invest in a company, you need never worry that your life’s work will be sold on. Rest assured, that we have no intention of selling. We’re dedicated to pursuing an LTH (Long Term Hold) operation, and our capital is permanent. We measure our returns in decades, and not in fundraising cycles. 

Long Term

When Madison Carter Finance invests in your business, we take a personal approach to ensure we offer maximum support to your company. When required, we can work alongside you to devise an effective plan for the years to come, including as much assistance with operations or finance as necessary. 


We firmly believe that businesses never operate in isolation, and to that end, neither do we. Here at Madison Carter Finance, we strive to help and support all members of the communities within which we operate. 


The Madison Carter Finance team is made up of investors, CEOs, and entrepreneurs who have been carefully chosen to create outstanding value across geographies, industries, and economic cycles. 


We firmly believe in the importance of transparency and openness. When you work with us, you can rest assured that we will respond to your messages within 24 hours, write in jargon-free plain English, and always get straight to the point.

Business Owners

We understand how difficult it can be to decide to sell your business, especially if you have spent your life building it up from scratch into a highly successful organisation. The Madison Carter Finance team is here to support you in this struggle and partner with you throughout the process. 

We understand that, when selling a business, both seller and buyer must find alignment in their future expectations. With that in mind, here are our responses to some of the comments we frequently hear from business owners interested in what we offer.

Private Equity Buyout Succession Plan

Frequently Asked Questions For Business Owners

Why Sell To Madison Carter Finance?

Madison Carter Finance is a small fund that aims to build a strong business portfolio that we can hold for the long term (LTH).

I am not quite ready to sell, but I want to learn more about selling my business

That’s great news! We’re more than happy to give you all the information you need about how our transactions come together and discuss how we could work with you in the future. We’d love to have a conversation with you about how we would value your business and what you should complete before you actively pursue a transaction, among other important topics.

I would love to know more about how I can do more of what I love and less of what I don't enjoy

We know that running a business can be wonderfully rewarding, but we also understand that many owners dislike certain aspects of their day-to-day role. 

Perhaps you launched your business because you were passionate about your service or product, but now you find yourself having to deal with the basic functions of running your business that don’t appeal to you at all. 

Maybe you love your business but want to spend more time with your loved ones and are looking for a way to have the best of both worlds.

No matter your circumstances, we can help to make your dream a reality. We’re ready to step in immediately to help with your day-to-day operations, and we’re happy to work with you to design a plan that allows you to focus your time on what you really enjoy, leaving us to handle the rest.

It is time to reap the benefits of what I've built, but I want to participate in the next phase of growth.

We wholeheartedly agree that you should be able to reap the benefits of what you’ve built up, and we’d be delighted to retain your involvement in your business’s future. While we look to acquire majority ownership here at Madison Carter Finance, we’re always keen for owners to retain their financial interest in their company following the transaction. While some sellers are happy to adopt the riskier strategy of retaining an equity interest, others prefer the peace of mind that comes with locked-in returns through the provision of seller debt. We’re very happy for you to participate, whichever is right for you.

My employees are like family to me, and I want to make sure they are taken care of under new ownership

We’re extremely aware that people make a business, and when you’ve got a great team, you’ve got a successful operation. Our top priority is to ensure your employees are happy, dedicated, and high-achieving. To that end, we welcome the opportunity to get to know you and your business better on an individual level. We welcome you to ask us anything, even tough questions, and we’ll be on hand to give you honest answers.

I don't care who buys my business. I simply want to sell to the highest bidder

We can completely understand if this is your perspective; however, if this is how you wish to proceed, Madison Carter Finance is probably not the right fit for you. We’re sure you’ll find other buyers who can use more leverage and make rapid business changes that will enable them to pay the highest possible price.

Work With Us

We’re selective with all partners within the value chain, including brokers, accountants, investors, sellers, lenders, and other intermediaries.

If we’ve reached out to you, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for visiting our website. If you’ve found us, we’d love you to get in touch and introduce yourself, and we’re looking forward to meeting you.

Frequently Asked Questions Partners

How does Madison Carter Finance plan to finance the acquisition?

We have permanent, fully committed capital that will find any acquisition’s equity portion. We may also decide to use a small amount of bank or seller debt to aid the financing of the acquisition.

What size investment does Madison Carter Finance target?

At the lower end of the spectrum, we’re looking for companies with revenues of a minimum of £5 million. At the higher end, we can make investments over £50 million.

Will Madison Cater Finance need to raise equity or find investors?

No, we’re pleased to say that we have fully committed capital in place ready to complete transactions. 

How does Madison Carter Finance, being a holding company, impact its business?

The most significant difference is that we do not have the constraints of a fund life and, therefore, will never be forced into selling our investments. As a result, we can build businesses over several decades rather than only fundraising cycles.

Does Madison Carter Finance have an operation plan for acquiring businesses?

We certainly do. The process involves appointing a CEO along with the board and working closely alongside the appointed manager at a level determined by the company’s needs to handle the business’s day-to-day operations.

I still have more questions. Who should I talk to?

If you’re ready to find out more about Madison Carter Finance’s aim to build a portfolio of businesses to be held for the long term, get in touch with Steve.

Get In Touch

Steve would love to connect with you if you’re an investor, lender, broker or have a family member or friend who is selling their business. We’re eager to help you optimise your position, achieve your goals, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your business will be in the safest possible hands in the future.
Steven Coogan